Oakdale Elementary School:
In This House inspired a delightful project for students in the Learning for Life class at Oakdale Elementary School in Frederick County, MD. The students participating in this program learn functional life skills in addition to academics, and range in age from 9 - 12. After studying the book, students were eager to create houses of their own. They marveled at the colors and patterns in the fabrics as they carefully selected and combined them to create a fabric house collage during their art time. Students glued the fabrics to backing and then the school principal demonstrated machine quilting for each of the students. Students assisted with the sewing by selecting the size and appearance of the stitch. In addition, during their regularly scheduled media center times, the students looked at examples of haiku, learned the haiku form and created original poems following the “In this house . . . “ model.
Click here to see the Oakdale Elementary School's Work.
Aberdeen High School, Math and Science Academy:
Wow, kids can write haiku! This is the result of two workshops I conducted at Aberdeen High School for the English teacher. I’m not sure if she was ready to write haiku from a math perspective instead of English but she got the hang of it. The class was divided into teams of three and of course pitted against each other for the best haiku on the given topic. AND delivery of the haiku counted in the score. Check it out! Needless to say, I was impressed as these kids had something to say and they did it in haiku.
Click here to see the Aberdeen High School, Math and Science Academy's Haiku